Sunday, September 18, 2011

Women, Men and Children Oh My! The different sizes?

The variety of sizes in the fashion world are so different it's hard to begin to explain them all. Women's sizes are some of the ones that seem to vary more than any other. The sizes begin to range from juniors to misses and from petite to plus size.
The sizes for women's clothing can be very difficult to say that a woman is a specific size because every company seems to have their own size charts. 

Men's sizes also seem to be very hard to work with because they have different sizes for their shirts they are the width of the neck and the length of the arm. While with pants they have a similarity with women's because of the hip size and the inseam of the pant.
Children there sizes vary from newborns to toddlers to teens and preteens. This is where the sizes begin to become confusing. The newborns sizes vary from newborn to twelve months. The toddlers are from twelve months to five years. Teens and preteens are ten to six. Very confusing that's why every time someone goes clothing shopping they should always try things on.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

To wear it or not to wear it? Is that really the question.

People have been wearing fur since the beginning of time. They would wear the fur to keep them warm and it was the only type of textile they would use. But with the advancement of technology is fur still a necessity. Technology has made faux fur accessible to many people and with faux fur in my opinion I don't see the need for real fur to be sold.

Left:Faux FurRight: Real Fur
Can anyone really tell the difference?
The wearing of fur seems to be a real picky subject between a lot of people some believe that it's ok to wear fur and others seem it's absolutely unnecessary for people to still wear fur. Fur is a big part of the fashion industry it brings in revenue but many designers have stopped working with fur. Stella McCartney is one of those designers who doesn't work with fur.
The torture and suffering animals have to go through for people to wear a luxurious item is simply inhumane. Although animals can't speak and stand up for themselves people know the difference between right and wrong. When animals are put in cages and they are not properly fed that is wrong. People can just turn their heads and act like nothing is going on but guess is. Animals deserve to be on this earth like everyone else.
If people would stop wearing fur that would tell the merchants and the people who do all of this to animals that they are not being supported and they will most likely stop selling fur.
In no way am I saying what someone should believe in but the facts are there and if people want to see what really goes on they can see the videos.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What affects Fashion?

The way people dress in different in every family, town, state or country. This is affected because of the demographics, geographic, psychological and sociological changes.

The way a woman in a tribe in Africa dresses to the way a woman in the California dresses is completely different and is because of there geographic and cultural differences.

The way someone dresses may also be influenced by their family values. Some religions don't let their women show their arms or legs. This greatly affects the way they dress an example is the Islam culture has a very specific way they want their women to dress.

The times that people live in greatly reflect the way they dress for example their is big difference the way 70s disco era and 90s grunge kids dressed. This shows a change in political and social structure.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Business of Fashion


Business and fashion go hand in hand without one their will not be the other.  Many fashion houses have someone who helps them with the business aspect because if they would not have a business partner they would not sell any of their clothes. The competition in the fashion industry with this the stores have to be competitive they have to find the balance between quality and quantity.

The difference between quality and quantity many stores borrow ideas from each other they will just change the materials so that they could change the price and make it more of a mass market. Many companies keep all of the production of the clothes in the same "warehouse" one of those companies American Apparel.
Many companies have merged into other larger companies such as when Donna Karen expanded her company to DKNY. One of the largest fashion companies is LVMH this company manages fashion houses such as Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton and Fendi just to name a few.
The roles of the designer they have be changing constantly to meet the customer needs. They have to create designs that people want to buy. There are many different types of designers there are high fashion, stylist and freelance. Designers find inspiration from many different sources when they travel and the theater.
The retailers play a very important role in the selling of the clothes. If the stores will not buy or sell the clothes then the designers just wasted their time and money. The different types of retailers vary in price point the most expensive fashions are sold in stores like Nordstroms and Neiman Marcus. The more traditional retailers are places like Macy's. The more mass market are stores like Wal-Mart and Forever 21.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fashion: What it really means?


 Many people may all categorize fashion in one field. There are three main branches of fashion which are the fashion business, fashion industry and marketing. I learned that the fashion marketing and merchandising side of the industry plays a large part in the fashion world. These include the people who identify the customer need and distribute the product for people to buy it.
    There are many misconceptions about the fashion industry many people believe that this industry is very unpredictable and they don't see what's coming next. When the fashion world is just one big cycle. They also think that it only influences women but fashion influences everything around it.
     Style is characteristic that is defined differently by every person. Every person in this world has their own sense of style it does not matter if they do it on purpose or if it just an accidental thing. There are many people with their own unique style they include Lady Gaga. She is a person who wears what she wants to wear and really doesn't follow trends.

    There are many different types of fashion and they are categorized by mass volume, high fashion and couture. The mass volume is the fashion that everyone wears.
High fashion is a style that is very out there and unique but there are more than one created.
Couture fashion is fashion at is mainly on the runways and designers only create one of.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Favorite time in Fashion: The 20's

Fashion has evolved many times in all of it's years. It has gone from corsets and dresses to more casual styles. My favorite time in fashion is the 1920's because the women in this era we becoming more adventurous with their fashion choices. During the 20's the dresses become more loose and women began to show more skin. The flappers were a very big part of this era because they were the ones who began to wear the fringe dresses, the beads and their t-strap shoes. I love the simplicity of the clothing that the women had they could either be very feminine with their dresses or be more boyish with their loose fitting suit. Men's fashion were much of the same they included the suit. The men's suit also the vest and the fedora was a must to finish the outfit. 

My favorite star of this era was Clara Bow the "It" girl of cinema. She had her own flare to the fashion. She was highly respected in her field of work. Clara was known for her untamed hair and her pout.

One of the designers who emerged during this era was Coco Chanel she is the woman credited with the "little black dress". She was a designer who did her own despite what everyone else was doing. She was a very independent woman who never looked to someone else to give her new design ideas. She my favorite designer of all time because of her simplistic views on fashion.

The 20's were an era of change for both fashion and society. They brought a lot of change to society due to prohibition and women's suffrage. Women became more independent they began to wear more revealing clothes and the way they acted in public.